The Beginning of the Citizens Journey


In late 2016 and early 2017, a lot was happening in the world. It seemed that the world was preparing to shut its doors. Countries wanted to guard borders more and screen entrants. I'm blessed in many ways. With a US passport, I can go almost anywhere. It seems in April of 2017 now, that might change. Time will tell.

I'd just finished my summer of 2016 Europe trip which consisted of Venice, Rome, and Paris. And my January trip which consisted of London, Lyon, Perouges, and Barcelona. During winter months in New York City, I get a little stir crazy inside. So I was anxiously awaiting a trip. My best friend and I decided on autumn of 2017. We're off to London, Barcelona, Naples, Pompeii, Sorrento, Basel, Lucerne, Zurich, Amsterdam and Paris. With each travel, my bucket list grows longer and my worldview grows wider. I am more understanding of a culture, including my own. 

I was born in China and raised in New York City since I was two years of age. A straggler of two places. Citizenship in an immigrant's conversation often means securing a spot in a desired country. I've been lucky enough to travel and see the world. I yearn to be a citizen of this earth. I don't want one home but a thousand where I am in good company and can eat good food. 

Travel doesn't have to be luxurious. Go a mile further than you've been before. Then another mile. And another mile. Explore the places around you. I still don't know all of New York state. Yes, I want to share the goodies of the world with all of you and I'm so excited to launch the shop soon. But perhaps more than anything, this is a personal project to document my adventures, encourage you all to travel more, and prove that the world is a great place and we're more alike than anything. I can't wait to see the world and I can't wait to take you with me.