Street Views in Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii was an ancient roman city, best known as the city buried under ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. While the ruins are well preserved and sees many visitors annually, the modern city of Pompeii on the periphery of the ruins is a bustling place, catering to tourists. Shops and restaurants line the street main street and if you are patient enough, you may spot the locals about their business.

A quick ride up the campanile or bell tower next to the The Pontifical Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompei will provide you with an excellent bird’s eye view of the vicinity, stretching from Mount Vesuvius to the ruins to the nearby Gulf of Naples.


Coordinates: 44.88333°N, 10.18333°E

Cost & Admission
€2 for lift up bell tower

Many restaurant and cafe options.

Bird’s eye view, walking. 

Don’t miss the views from the bell tower as it is well worth the €2 ticket.