Posts tagged king arthur's seat
Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland

The best thing about Edinburgh, Scotland is the mixture of natural green spaces and preserved architecture. If the hike up Arthur's seat isn't your cup of tea, a mild stroll through Calton Hill may be a great alternative. This hill is right in the center of Edinburgh and is included in the city's UNESCO world heritage site designation. The small hike to the top will offer great views of the city. 

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King Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland

Scotland is a wonder to behold. In Edinburgh, all the guides say to hike up to King Arthur's Seat in Holyrood Park. The peak is an extinct volcano and there are rumors that this site may have been the location of Camelot (as in legendary King Arthur and Lancelot, etc.). With the wind-swept grass and craggy rocks, traversing this landscape is like being in a Lord of the Rings movie.

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