Posts tagged lyon
Studying Abroad: Living Accommodations

With my two different experiences, I stayed in two different types of residences. Being away from home for an extended period of time can be a little nerve-wracking, even for the most adventurous of souls. Home means a lot of different things to different people. Often times, studying abroad can be someone’s first taste of leaving home so it is important to weight the options.

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Studying Abroad in Lyon, France

After a previous stint in London with a study abroad program hosted by my undergraduate school, I was hooked. Because my London experience was so amazing, I knew I’d jump at another chance to experience that again. So in grad school, when an opportunity came up to study in Lyon, France for two weeks, I convinced three buddies to come along with me. What happened next was a formation of a lifelong friendship.

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Medieval City in Perouges, France

It's the middle of January and part of my grad school's abroad program itinerary is to visit Perouges. A medieval walled town just north of Lyon. The oblong town traces its roots back to 8th century, according to locals, and was home to artisans, bakers, weavers, farmers, and the nobility. It was a stop along the way for nobles getting to Paris, the heart of the nation. 

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