Travel Itinerary: A Weekend on Block Island

Weekend on Block Island, RI

One of my favorite things to do during summertime is find a place for a nice weekend getaway so I can see a new place without breaking into the vacation bank. I'm lucky enough to get four weeks vacation now, but there had been a time when it was only three. My fellow Americans know what I'm talking about. Block Island wasn't a trip I planned on my own. I was really along for the ride to celebrate a dear friend's birthday and I was so glad to be a part of her weekend. It's an island, decently sized for a good hour moped ride or five hour bike ride (crazy hills at times though) and perhaps way to big to stroll around (though it's possible). This itinerary is a bit different than my usual ones. There's way less walking, and a more casual listing of what to do on the island. Not all my experiences were captured on film, but most were. Enjoy!

The Basics


Island with sandy beaches and paved pedestrian/car roads


Mostly hot, bright, and sunny during June to September


By ferry: Point Judith (Narragansett, RI), Newport (Perrotti Park), Fall River (State Pier) 


Getting Around

Taxi, moped, bike, walking.
Downtown area is accessible by walking.


United States Dollar
$200-300 per day


Hotels and inns can be pricey.
We stayed at Darius Inn.


To Do

eating, shopping, relaxing on the beach

To See

Mohegan Bluffs, North Light Lighthouse, Southeast Lighthouse, Crescent Beach


To Eat

Restaurants: The Surf Hotel, Kimberly's, Beachead

Specialties: Seafood



Follow the music and that's where the party is. Usually things happening at Ballard's, Dead Eye Dick's, and Payne's Dock


How to Get Here

Though Rhode Island isn't an island, Block Island is. Most places in America require driving, so you might want to rent a car to get to one of these ports. From there, it should be a quick ferry ride over to the island. My friends and I went from Point Judith since it's closest to New York. The ride over was beautiful and we spent our time catching up. You can see the journey here.

Point Judith Ferry Terminal
304 Great Island Rd
Narragansett, RI 02882

Fall River (State Pier) Terminal
1 Water St.
Fall River, MA 02721

Newport (Perrotti Park) Terminal
39 America’s Cup Ave
Newport, RI 02840

Where to Stay

There are plenty of places to stay but my friend chose The Darius Inn and thought it was pricey, it was really cute. I think it's best to stay near the main marina but if you have crave peace and quiet, go further in.

What to Do

Though it's a small island and relatively walkable, you may find it to be a hassle. If you can, think about renting a car, a moped, or a bicycle. There are rather large hills, so bicycles may be difficult for some people.

We went to Mohegan Bluffs on the first day during the afternoon when the tide was rising.  Be careful because the waters can be very rough and I had a moment when I was almost swept out to sea. There is a good number of people in the afternoon, but not so crowded that it's overwhelming. The stairs that lead down to the beach can be a trek and there are ropes to guide you down a steep slope.

I rented a moped which we rode around the island before dinner time. I hit up Southeast Lighthouse just before the sun set and it emptied out nicely. The pink hues were gorgeous against the cliff walls of the Mohegan Bluffs. We ate at Kimberly's which presented pretty decent sized servings. Then we sat on the porch of the inn and enjoyed the company of fellow guests at the inn.

It was an early morning for a good friend and I as we hopped on our moped for a nice sunrise shoot. We parked near the North Light Lighthouse  and walked the stretch along the beach to our destination. I walked ahead as my friend took a spin on the moped and I discovered the driftwood structure on the beach, just beyond the dunes. I laughed giddily, as if I'd discovered Atlantis or something. It was such a surprise and simply seeing it brought out the inner child in me. We then made our way back to the Mohegan Bluffs because I'd been waiting for beautiful empty pictures in the morning sun. We took our last spin around the island, soaking in the sun and ocean breeze.

We stopped by Payne's Donuts for freshly fried donuts. They are delicious and a must have. I scarfed down breakfast, took another friend for a spin, and returned the lovely moped. We had a nice relaxing morning, wading around Crescent/Fred Benson Town Beach. The waves were so calm here and the sand so smooth. If you blinked, you might have believed you were bathing in the Pacific Ocean instead of the Atlantic. By the time we were hungry, we walked to Beachead where I satisfied my craving for a lobster roll. The restaurant was incredibly packed because it's that good.

Then it was goodbye to Block Island. Overall a very eventful but relaxing weekend with great friends.